How to Get Cheap Flight Tickets

Airline ticket prices change as many as three times per day, according to Travel + Leisure. Knowing how to manage those fluctuating rates helps you keep your travel costs under control. Flexibility and timing play a major role in finding the lowest rates for your itinerary. You'll also need to take the time to research through various outlets to compare prices. Even with higher airfares and extra fees for baggage, deals are still available that allow you to stay within your travel budget.


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      Search for airfares beginning three or more months before travel if possible. Because fares change frequently, search at various times of day on different days of the week. Keep track of the fares you find so you can identify when the prices drop.

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      Check on fares through a variety of sources, including discount travel sites, travel agents and the airline websites. Sign up for email alerts from airlines and discount travel sites so you hear about airfare sales right away.

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      Schedule your flights so they fall on weekdays. Airfare is usually most expensive between Friday afternoon and Monday morning since those are the heavy travel times. Avoid traveling during peak times, such as holidays or during school breaks, when fares increase based on the demand for seats.

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      Expand your search if your travel is flexible. Search on different days, or alter how long you travel. Staying an extra day or two may lower your rates due to the day you choose to fly. Check on rates at other airports that are close to your destination.

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      Book a travel package that combines your airline tickets with a hotel room and rental car. Travel sites often give you a discount for booking together.

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      Pack only a carry-on bag if possible to avoid the extra fees charged for checked baggage. If you do need to check a bag, pack conservatively so you can fit everything into one suitcase.

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