How to visit Europe Cheap

Whenever the U.S. dollar's value drops in comparison to the euro, Americans planning European vacations need to look into multiple ways to economize and make their money go further. You should be able to find deals on flights, hotels and other travel necessities on the Internet, through travel agents or other competitive offers.


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      Choose your dates wisely. The height of the tourism season is June through August in Europe, and you'll save money by avoiding these times at all costs. Plus, many beach locations are terribly crowded, while cities are deserted and many museums and restaurants close in August. March, early spring and late fall are economical times to travel while offering pleasant weather and thinner crowds. Avoid winter unless you're planning on skiing.

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      Plan transfers between cities and countries carefully. For all its romantic history as the transportation of choice for young backpackers, the Eurorail and the train system in general are expensive. If you're on a tight budget, you'll be surprised to find that flights on low-cost airlines, such as Ryan Air, are often cheaper than trains. Be warned, however, that low-cost airlines generally fly to airports outside of major cities, and you'll have to find ground transportation to get where you're going. The true poor man's transportation is the bus. It's not glamorous, but it's the cheapest way to get around, offers views of the countryside and allows you to meet and mingle with interesting people

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      Think like a student. STA Travel has been the student traveler's go-to resource for many years. In addition to discounted flights and vacations, the company offers discount cards that work in many tourist attractions and restaurants. Take advantage of the service if you are a student or under age 25.

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      Stay at hostels. It's not glamorous, and you may find yourself sharing a military-style dorm with dozens of people, but it's a cheap and authentic way to see the world. Plus, hostels offer a once-in-a-lifetime way to meet fascinating people from around the world.

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      Resist the temptation to go to pricey restaurants and bars for all meals. Find a grocery store and pick up staples like bread and wine. Wine is cheaper than water in Europe, and you can buy a bottle for less than $5, and drink it in a park while people-watching.

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      Get help from hotel staff. These people are a resource for getting admission into crowded museums and other sites. With any luck, they may be able to help you score discounted tickets.

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      Walk to your destinations. Don't waste your money on cabs, gondola rides, carriage rides or any other form of transportation on the ground. The beauty of Europe is how pedestrian-friendly it is. Bring comfy shoes and plan on walking everywhere. No expensive tourist attraction compares to a day walking around a new city, getting lost and discovering places.

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