How to Find a Cheap Car Rental

Rental cars are now very common for both vacation and business trips, they've also become much more affordable. Car rental agencies will now usually be willing to pick you up from the airport or even your home free of charge. Getting a rental car can save you a lot on vacation and save on taxi fare, it also makes you much more mobile. Here's how to get a cheap car rental.


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      First, check a website like Orbitz for car rental agencies in the area you Plan to visit. A site like Orbitz will give you a listing of all the cars available and their rental rates. Compare the prices of all companies and choose the one that is best for you. Look closely at where the company is located and whether they offer a free pick up or shuttle to their car rental facility.

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      Rent the car under the name of the oldest driver. Many states have "underage" charges for drivers less than 25 years old and some states refuse to allow anyone under age 21 rent a car at all. Have the primary driver of the car be the oldest one in the group and make sure they are the only one driving the car, listing more than one driver may cost you extra.

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      Review extra charges. Car rental companies often tack on extra charges you don't need such as insurance (you're usually covered by your current insurance policy). Review any extras they try to sell you before purchasing, most are not needed.

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      Check the company's personal website for any sales or specials they may be offering that may not be accessible through other sites. You can often also get the cheapest price through the company's website directly or even a free upgrade in car grade.

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      Return the rental car on time and in the condition you rented it in. Many companies charge large "late fees" for any cars returned late, don't let yourself get caught with one of these fees.

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