How to Find Discount Motels

Finding discount motels can be a great way to save some money on vacation. If you save on your motel accommodation, you can enjoy some tasty cuisines and see more attractions. A vacation is about getting out and about, not staying in your motel room. Motels generally offer great discount rates and provide a cheaper housing option. Learn how you can find discount motels for your next trip.


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      Look in the local magazine or local city newspaper. Some motels place discounted ads in the travel section of a local newspaper to attract future customers. Motels also post ads in local magazines, which are usually in the back of the magazine.

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      Talk with your travel agent about motel discounts. Some travel agencies have partnerships with motel chains and companies. They might be able to offer you all kinds of packages. Check with your travel agent and ask about what is available in regards to discounted motels.

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      Check out some online companies for discount motels. Numerous online companies sell a variety of packages and discounted motels. Companies such as Travelocity, Expedia, Orbitz and Cheap Tickets all offer room, flight and car rental packages at discounted rates.

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      Ask your car insurance company if they have any travel discount programs. Some companies such as CAA and AAA can offer great discounts to their members. Check with your provider and see if they offer a discount motel program.

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      Talk to your friends and ask about where they have stayed on their travels and what type of motel discount deals they have gotten before. They might be able to refer you to their favorite motel, and they might have a contact person who can offer a discounted price on your motel stay.

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