How to Behave Appropriately on Business Travel

Business travel can bring out the worst in some people. You're stressed, away from loved ones and tired. Even though you may want to show up for the flight in your sweatpants, you're on a business trip. That means maintaining a level of professionalism in your dress, attitude and behavior the entire time.


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      Be polite. This includes when you're dealing with airport security, checking into your hotel or waiting in a line for a cab. You're representing your employer, after all.

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      Act courteous to your co-workers. Just because you're stressed doesn't give you the right to be curt with them.

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      Get your own rooms. Sometimes a company may try to put two co-workers of the same sex in a shared hotel room. This can lead to a uncomfortable situation. Separate yourselves.

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      Know when you end your business for the day. Business trips don't automatically mean that you work well into the night. Everyone needs a break from work and each other.

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      Dress appropriately for all the activities. Since you're on a business trip, you should maintain some level of professionalism throughout.

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      Be on time for everything. Nothing turns some people off more than constant lateness. It's considerate to be on time or even early for meetings, meals and gatherings.

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