What Is the AFS Experience?

AFS is an international cultural exchange program that dates back 90 years. According to 2010 estimates, AFS has about 13,000 participants in 50 different countries each year. AFS participants come to know their host countries not as tourists but rather as members of families and local communities.
  1. Summer Exchanges

    • Every summer, thousands of AFS students spend one to three months living in a foreign country. They are fully immersed in their new culture and get involved in educational, family and community activities.

    School-Year Exchanges

    • Other AFS students spend longer periods of time in foreign countries: a trimester, a semester or a full academic year. They live in host families and attend school full time in their host country.

    Community Programs

    • People who are 18 or older can join AFS's Community Service program in one of 20 countries. They participate in service projects, such as helping impoverished children.

    Host Families

    • Inside and outside the United States, families volunteer to host AFS participants. They do so not for the compensation--there is none--but out of a simple wish to open their home to a foreign exchange student.

    Cultural Exchange

    • AFS participants and everyone they come into contact with in their host countries, from their schoolmates to their host families, learn about each other's language, traditions, arts, geography and history. They come to understand not just how their countries' cultures differ but also how they are similar.

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