How to Climb Mt. Sinai

If you're planning on visiting Egypt, you might want to make plans to climb Mt. Sinai. Dubbed "The Mountain of Moses," Mt. Sinai is a popular religious pilgrimage site that draws thousands of people annually. Prepare yourself for the adventure of a lifetime if you're going to climb Mt. Sinai.


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      Pack hiking shoes, plenty of water and layers of clothing before leaving for the ascent of Mt. Sinai.

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      Take a minibus from Dahab to the base of Mt. Sinai. This is about a 2-hour trip. If leaving from Sharm el-Sheikh, it takes about 3 hours to get to the base of Mt. Sinai.

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      Embark on the climb either at 3 a.m. or 3 p.m. Watching the sun set or rise from Mt. Sinai is a beautiful sight that should not be missed.

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      Start the tour from the St. Catherine Monastery at the base of Mt. Sinai. Most guided tour operations start from this point. The easier, smoother trail is along the Wadi El Deir, in the valley of the Monastery. If you're up for more of a challenge, take the path of Moses, called Siket Sayidna Musa. This path counts over 3,000 rock steps and requires more effort than the Wadi El Deir.

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      Make the ascent on foot, or rent a camel from one of the many Bedouins who offer these rides. Start from the St. Catherine Monastery on camelback. You also can start on foot and get a camel in one of the Bedouin camps on the mountain should you get tired of walking.

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