How to Plan a Trip to Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls sits on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia in southern Africa. A local tribe called the falls "Mosi-oa-Tunya," which means "the Smoke that Thunders." David Livingstone, the first European to visit the area, named the falls "Victoria Falls" after the Queen of England. Plan your visit to this one-mile long spectacular natural wonder in Africa.

Things You'll Need

  • Passport
  • Visa (if required)
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      Select a travel option for traveling to Victoria Falls. You can unpack and relax at a hotel in Zimbabwe or Zambia. If you prefer to travel with a group and want to visit several destinations, then book a group tour. Group tours vary in length and itinerary, and many tours also include safaris.

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      See the falls from Zambia. Livingstone is the closest town to the falls and provides easy access with its international airport. You can choose from a wide variety of accommodations in Zambia. Some of the area's popular hotels are Victoria Falls Hotel on Livingstone Island and Tongabezi Safari Lodge, 10 miles upstream from the falls.

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      Stay in Zimbabwe. The Victoria Falls airport is 13 miles from Victoria Falls town. Hotel options near town include Stanley and Livingstone Hotel and Ilala Lodge. The town also features a casino and craft market.

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      Research travel visa requirements. Some African countries require visitors to obtain a visa, and the process varies. Some countries allow travelers to obtain the visa upon arrival, while other nations require visitors to secure the visa in advance. Contact the country's United States embassy to inquire.

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      Take appropriate health precautions. Malaria and other diseases are prevalent in some African countries. Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or your physician to inquire about vaccines and preventative medications.

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      Enjoy the many activities near the falls. Take a relaxing boat ride on the Zambezi River. Get a thrill by white water rafting through Bakota Gorge. Paddle a canoe or kayak on the upper Zambezi. Bungi jump off the Victoria Falls Bridge

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      Participate in other vacation activities. Explore the terrain on horseback or mountain bike. Buy authentic handmade crafts at a local market. Take a day trip to a nearby national park.

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