How to Plan a Gay Road Trip

Are you ready to gas up the car with close friends and have a gay-themed road trip? Road trips are an effective way to bond with a group of close friends while participating in an adventure. Planning a gay-themed road trip involves researching the best places in your desired locations to have fun and be accepted.


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      Consider the cities you would like to pass through on your road trip. According to The Advocate, the largest magazine for the gay community, the "Gayest Cities in America" are the following: Miami, Fl; Oakland, CA; Denver, CO; Cleveland, OH; San Francisco, CA; St. Louis, MO; Seattle, WA; Washington, D.C.; Atlanta, GA; Vancouver, WA; Pittsburgh, PA; Orlando, FL; Las Vegas, NV; Santa Fe, NM and Minneapolis, MN.

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      Research gay-friendly locales in the cities you decide to visit. Make a list of the places you want to explore while in each different city or location.

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      Gather gay or gay-friendly pals and brainstorm what kind of experience you want to have while on vacation. Are you looking for a road trip that focuses more on the outdoors and camping, going to the beach or partying at clubs? Just because you are planning a gay-themed road trip does not mean you have to only go to gay-friendly places.

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      Figure out a budget with your fellow road-trippers. Make sure you will have enough money to visit all the gay-friendly locales on your itinerary.

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