How to Plan a Fun Road Trip

With rising prices for air travel, more and more people are opting to travel by car. Although it may take longer to reach your destination, traveling by car can save you money and give you the opportunity to connect with family and friends. With a little bit of planning, road trips can be a fun adventure for everyone traveling. Whether your road trip is for a few hours or a few days, finding group activities makes time pass faster and keeps boredom away.


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      Decide who will be driving and for how long before you hit the road. Having set shifts based on the number of drivers will reduce confusion as to whose turn it is to drive and will also keep any one person from driving until they are over-fatigued. Make sure all passengers remain attentive to the needs of the driver to keep them in good spirits, which will help keep them focused.

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      Pack plenty of bottled water and individually wrapped snacks. Fresh fruit and trail mix are also great snacks to keep energy levels high. If you can, include at least one of everyone's favorite snack.

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      Research fun road trip games and activities that everyone can play. Some ideal games to play include Trivia. You can also create your own road trip scavenger hunt by compiling a list of items for travelers to identify and cross off their list. Story-telling that allows everyone to take turns contributing to the story is another fun activity.

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      Allow for everyone to have a bit of personal time. For road trips lasting more than a couple of hours, allowing everyone time to do their own thing is essential. As time passes, fatigue will inevitably set in and everyone will not be up to participating in group activities for the entire trip.

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      Encourage everyone to bring headphones for personal electronic devices. Video game noises or unfamiliar tastes in music can be distracting to the driver and annoying to the other passengers. Being considerate in cramped spaces helps to reduce the stress that may come from sitting for a long period of time.

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      Stop and enjoy the scenery and landmarks. Taking time rather than rushing to your destination allows everyone to enjoy the sites along the way. Get everyone re-energized by being willing to stop spontaneously along the way to take in interesting sights and scenery.

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