How to Find Luxury Hotels in Guyana

Guyana is a country located on the northeast corner of South America. It is bordered to the north by the Atlantic Ocean, to the east by Venezuela, to the south by Brazil and to the west by Suriname. With many parts virtually undiscovered by common tourists, Guyana is a nature lover's paradise that is also home to stylish accommodations.

Things You'll Need

  • Passport
  • Computer with Internet access for making reservations
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  1. Prepare for Your Stay in Guyana

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      Speak English when in Guyana. It is the official language although it is spoken with a West Indian accent.

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      Pack an umbrella and appropriate clothing. There are two rainy season, one between May and June and the other between December and January. Guyana is hot year round because it is close to the equator. The mean temperature is around 80 degrees F.

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      Change your money into Guyana dollars when you arrive. Many places in the interior do not accept credit cards or foreign currency. Foreign ATM cards are not accepted in Guyana ATM machines.

    Choose Where to Stay in Guyana

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      To book accommodations, contact Guyana Tourism Authority at 011 (+592)223-6351 or visit their Web site (see Resources, below). Stay in George Town to experience luxury city accommodations. George Town is the only real city in Guyana. Along the coast and in the city center, 3- and 4-star accommodations can be found for $100 to $350 per night.

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      Stay on an island in the Essequibo River for secluded, unspoiled accommodations. Relax in comfortable king-sized beds with white linens, or lie in a hammock all afternoon as you enjoy the view of the river bank. The rainforest is just a day trip away.

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      Leave luxury behind and take a hiking and camping tour to Kaieteur Falls for an amazing rainforest experience. Kaieteur Falls is five times higher than Niagara Falls and a sight to behold. You will also see other waterfalls and swimming holes on the tours as well as various wildlife. Tours range in price from $1,000 to $3,000 per person depending on the number of people in the group and length of the tour.

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