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India Tourism Development

In 2002, the Indian Ministry of Tourism launched a global marketing campaign based on the slogan "Incredible India." The ad campaign was combined with an effort to improve domestic conditions that hindered tourism, such as poor infrastructure and not enough hotels. In keeping with modern ideals, the ministry attempted to encourage sustainable practices in their growing tourism economy, preserving local ecology and culture as much as possible, and also improving the country's conference and meeting facilities.
  1. Marketing Campaign

    • India has been a destination for travelers for millennia, but poor infrastructure and the lack of certain amenities have kept the tourist economy from developing further. The global marketing campaign brought India to the attention of millions of potential tourists worldwide, as the Ministry of Tourism placed print, radio and television ads in markets around the world.

    Welcoming Attitudes

    • Complementing the Incredible India campaign abroad, the Ministry of Tourism launched a domestic campaign called, "Atithi Devo Bhavah," which means roughly "the guest is god." The ministry suggests that Indians need to embrace traditional values that have been lost, such as treating all visitors with respect, admonishing those who treat guests poorly or who deface cultural monuments. As part of the campaign, a training program aimed at the hospitality industry, including taxi drivers and tour guides, seeks to instill values in these workers such as good hygiene and behavior that is courteous, safe and maintains integrity.

    Modern Tourism Practices

    • The Ministry of Tourism is also embracing modern tourism practices such as encouraging sustainable practices and engaging visitors in activities rather than have them serve as passive spectators. The wellness centers and yoga ashrams have drawn visitors for decades, who came to participate in and learn about ancient meditation and health techniques. More adventurous travelers seek out India's more rugged terrain to hike, bike and boat. India also draws upon the volunteer spirit of visitors from wealthier nations, who come to the country by the thousands to pitch in and improve the lives of the less fortunate.

    Sustainable Practices and Ecotourism

    • In line with modern concerns for the environment, the Ministry of Tourism encourages sustainable practices and conservation efforts whenever possible. With a wide range of terrain, India offers adventure travelers beautiful beaches, the world's highest mountains and everything in between. With a new focus on ecotourism, tented camping has become more popular and a great way for visitors to see remote regions with little impact on the environment. For more about ecotourism in India, visit

    Business Travelers

    • As part of the new push to make India more welcoming to visitors, India is focused on updating their meeting and conference facilities. Global hospitality companies such as the Renaissance and Marriott Hotels have opened conference facilities in large metropolitan areas such as New Delhi and Mumbai and business centers like Hydrabad. There are also large exhibition centers located around the country, such as Pragati Maidan in New Delhi, which houses shows like the International Trade Fair and the World Book Fair.

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