How to Plan a Vacation to Jamaica

When you decide to vacation in Jamaica, you have a wealth of options to choose from. Jamaica visitors can enjoy casual family beach fun, shopping, restaurants and nightlife, and the quiet of rustic fishing villages. Family friendly all-inclusive resorts offer an array of activities to keep parents and children happy. Smaller hotels and villas may appeal to couples and adult groups who want to venture out on their own. Select a theme such as beaches, adventure or golf, and make plans for a memorable vacation.


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      Go to the Visit Jamaica website Click on the tabs along the left-hand side of the screen to find a wealth of information you'll need to plan your trip. Read about vacation locations, types of accommodations, activities and attractions, and other travel resources. Make notes about places that sound appealing, and things that you'd like to do on your vacation.

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      Apply for or renew passports. Follow the directions on the U.S. Department of State website at for a first-time applicant, or to renew a passport. If you are a first-time applicant, you will need to submit an application in person at a location designated on the Department of State website. You can apply online to renew your passport. Jamaica allows North American tourists entry with a passport or a return ticket, however U.S. citizens returning by air must have a passport to reenter the United States.

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      Enter your travel dates and package preferences into the search tool on the Visit Jamaica homepage. Write down packages that appeal to you. Register for an account to receive newsletters about special deals and discounts. Go to additional travel websites such as Expedia and Priceline, and enter your travel dates into the search tool. Compare packages and prices offered by Expedia or Priceline, to the offers and prices on the Visit Jamaica website.

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      Choose a package that offers the best value for your money. Go to the travel website that offers the package, and follow the prompts to check out and pay for your travel tickets. Some travel websites offer the opportunity to add tickets for concerts, sightseeing tours and activities to your package at discount rates when you check out.

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