The Differences Between Caribbean Tourism & Non Caribbean Tourism

Some of the ways to distinguish Caribbean tourism from non- Caribbean tourism is in features, transportation on ground as well as across waters, shopping, and two specific forms of tourism such as business and Eco-tourism.
  1. Features

    • With tourism to the Caribbean, you are guaranteed to be close to the ocean, whereas with non-Caribbean tourism such as to Europe, the ocean is not necessarily a deciding factor in travel. There are other reasons why one may travel to other destinations.


    • Caribbean cruise ship tourism is more likely to offer shorter stays while European cruise ship tourism offers longer stays due to visiting multiple countries.

    Ground transportation

    • Taxis are available in the Caribbean as well as the non-Caribbean areas. According to Visit Jamaica, "Quite often "route taxis" are the cheapest and fastest way to get from place to place(in Jamaica)." Whereas in New York City, taxis are the most expensive form of ground transportation. Buses and trains are a comfortable way to see the sites in Europe and American Cities such as Manhattan but could be less comfortable in the Caribbean, but still a great way to experience native Caribbean culture.


    • Since most Caribbean countries are not only in the process of development, but ruled by developed countries such as the United States, England, France and the Netherlands, you would be most likely to find more outdoor shopping of man made goods in the Caribbean than in Europe and the US, due to better weather conditions.


    • Business tourism, although there is a push to bring more of this into Caribbean countries, is most likely to be found in areas such as Europe, Asia and the United States. Business tourism accounts for a large percentage of tourism dollars because those traveling on business aren't watching their money the way that recreational tourists are.


    • Backpacking and hiking, two forms of Eco or sustainable tourism can be found in Caribbean and non-Caribbean areas, as a way to see the sites in a more personal way. This can be seen in most parts of the world. Sustainable tourism is encouraged in Caribbean countries as a way of bringing much needed commerce.

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