The Differences Between a Visa & a Passport

A passport and visa are both travel documents. Visas are not issued unless the person has a passport, according to the Passports and Visas website. Knowing the difference between these two documents is important if you travel abroad frequently as a tourist or for business reasons. It is important to know where and for what reasons you must have a visa.
  1. Verification of a Person's Citizenship

    • A passport is a document issued by the person's homeland, or adopted homeland, that enables him to travel outside those borders, according to the Travisa website. It is mandatory for identification purposes. For instance, if you are a U.S. citizen, you will need a passport to travel outside of the United States. The passport is necessary for re-entry into the United States after your travels are over. Some countries do not allow you within their borders unless you have a visa along with your passport.

    Visa Time Limitations

    • A visa is a document that allows the person to be granted entry into another nation for a particular reason; it will be valid until the goal is accomplished or can be for as long as a 10-year period. The visa is usually stamped inside a person's passport. There are various reasons why a person may be granted admission into another country: business, for the person to live there while acquiring an education, or to establish a permanent or temporary residency. The visa is for a limited stay or visit. It is in essence granting you permission to enter that country for whatever your reason is and for the length of time it takes you to accomplish the task.

    Passport Expirations

    • A passport is good for 10 years after the date of issue, unless the person is a minor. If the person was under the age of 16 when issued a passport; it is only good for five years, according to Travisa.

    Requirements of Different Countries

    • A passport is always necessary when traveling outside the United States, although a visa is not. Particular countries allow entry without a visa for business; others because the person is a tourist and will only be visiting for a short period. Tourists usually must present their passport and evidence of a round-trip ticket to be admitted for this reason, according to the Passports and Visas website.

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