How to Do Ecotourism in Costa Rica

The number of tourists visiting Costa Rica increases every year and with so many visitors Costa Rica has made many efforts to minimize the impact that large numbers of people have on the environment. Due to Costa Rica's natural beauties and biodiversity, tourists as well as local people benefit when they make an effort to respect and preserve the resources of Costa Rica. Read on to learn more.


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      Look for local hotels and lodges that house a smaller number of guests and use fewer resources than large-scale hotels and resorts. Lapa Rios Eco-Lodge is an ideal lodge, and offers sustainability tours to showcase its many eco-friendly aspects. Take care to conserve resources like power and water during your stay.

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      Hire local tour guides before entering the rain forest rather than hiking in on your own. The use of local guides ensures that tourists are aware of the regulations in national parks and obey the rules while in the wilderness. If you do a self-guided hike, make sure that the trail is well marked to avoid stepping off the trail.

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      Consider lesser known geological attractions such as the Monteverde Cloud Forest or other parks in the interior rather than just going to a crowded or overused beach,

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      Ask local guides for travel assistance rather than booking a tour with an international corporation. Eco-lodges, such as Lapa Rios, should be heavily involved in community interests and can identify local guides for you.

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      Seek out attractions that have an educational component. Visit Costa Rica's Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center, located about 2 hours from San Jose, to participate in recreational activities and learn about ecotourism. Tours or other activities that specifically educate visitors about environmental concerns or the local habitat are generally good choices for ecotourism.

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      Make sure that every aspect of your trip includes rather than exploits local labor. Just because locals are working for a company doesn't mean it is eco-friendly. Find out how money is distributed in tourist agencies and tip the local workers who assist you.

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