The Best European Spas

A good spa is hard to find--but not in Europe. Europe not only has some of the best spas in the world, with refreshing and beneficial health treatments, but also some of the most eclectic and innovative spas around. If you're looking for the fountain of youth, head to Europe, where big business meets a burgeoning youth rejuvenation industry. European spas also feature some of the most innovative designs and holistic treatments, which are sure to make you feel better physically as well as mentally.
  1. Anti-Aging Spas

    • If you're looking for some youthful rejuvenation without breaking your bank account, check out the Terme di Spa and Golf Resort in Saturnia, Italy. Guests are evaluated according to health history and stress levels as relating to skin, flexibility and body. Treatments at this luxurious spa can include micro-dermabrasion (replete with diamond-based scrub) and Restalyne injections and more.

      There are also other options, such as the Capri Palace's Beauty Farm, which has excellent cellulite reduction treatments and is known for its Leg School, specializing in leg beauty and health.

      If you're looking to de-stress from an intense workweek or to limit the effects stress has on your looks, look no further than the Mavida Balance Hotel and Spa in Salzburg, Austria. This spa focuses on mental balance as much as physical well-being. It features a unique IL-DO relaxing body candle treatment said to reduce pain, anxiety and insomnia.

      Terme di Saturnia Spa
      Loc. Follonata
      58014 Saturnia (Gr)
      (056) 4600 111

      Capri's Palace Beauty Farm
      via Capodimonte, 14
      80071 Anacapri (Na)
      (081) 9780 505

      Mavida Balance Hotel and Spa
      Balance Hotel GmbH
      Kirchenweg 11
      5700 Zell Am See
      (43) 6542 5410

    High-End Spas

    • There are some spas in Europe that provide an extensive list of options, but still cater to the high-end market. Check out Cinq Mondes Spa at Beau Rivage Palace in Lausanne, Switzerland. This spa also has a uniquely Asian aspect to its treatments, including Ayurvedic massage and Japanese Ko Bi Do acupressure methods.

      You should also check out the Barnsley House in Gloucestshire, England. Supermodels Kate Moss and Elizabeth Hurley are among the guests who have frequented this spa and hotel, which is known for its holistic services. Almost all of the treatments implement the British brand REN, which is known for products that are free of harsh chemicals.

      Beau-Rivage Palace
      Place du Port 17-19
      CH 100 Lausanne 6
      (410) 21/613 33 33

      Barnsley House
      Gloucestershire GL7 5EE
      (012) 85 74 0000

    Top Design

    • The Vigilius Mountain Resort and Spa in South Tyrol, Italy, combines rustic elegance with contemporary appeal. Of particular note is the endless pool, which is a pool connected to a stream that overlooks the Tyrolean Mountains. The spa also specializes in body peels featuring Tyrolean apples, ground corn and mountain honey.

      Also of note is Spaciomm in Barcelona, Spain, which combines modern design flair with elements of stone, silk, iron and wood. This spa sports a sleek look, and offers its own line of services such as Ayurvedic massage, Pilates and hydromassage baths.

      Vigilius Mountain Resort and Spa
      Vigiljoch Mountain
      I-39011--Lana, South Tyrol
      (0039) 0473 55660

      Rosellon 265
      08008 Barcelona
      (00) 800 37 46 83 57

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