How to Visit El Castillo at Chichen Itza near Cancun, Mexico

Chichen Itza is a three hour drive from Cancun, Mexico. It is a must see for travelers that vacation to Cancun and love seeing historical sights. The Mayans constructed a number of famous temples and pyramids in this area. The most important and arguably the most beautiful is El Castillo.

Things You'll Need

  • Small sense of adventure
  • A full day during a Cancun vacation.
  • A little bit of cash
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      Know your stuff! Do some research and read up on the history of El Castillo. You can also ask some of the locals in Cancun. They will know a lot of information about the ruins.

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      Climb the stairs of this majestic Mayan pyramid. From the top you get a magnificent view of the entire region. Also, a person can speak in a normal voice and someone standing at the base can hear the words easily.

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      Go inside the pyramid. This is drastically different from the bright environment outside. The spaces are confined and dark.

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      Take your trip during the Vernal Equinox. As the sun sets it casts shadows of serpents on the steps of the pyramid. Its truly an amazing sight!

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      Go early! El Castillo gets busy as it is a popular tourist attraction.

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      Take a tour. There are many tour companies in the Cancun area.

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