What Are the Symbols on the Oklahoma Flag?

The original Oklahoma state flag was a white star on a red background, with the number 46 inside the star, because Oklahoma was the 46th state to enter the U.S. This was changed in 1925, because people felt the old flag might be associated with communism (the flag of China also has stars on a red background). In 1941, the flag was changed again, with the addition of the state name in white letters near the bottom. The Oklahoma flag is rich in Native American symbols; more Native Americans live in Oklahoma than any other state.
  1. The Background Color of the Oklahoma Flag

    • The background of the Oklahoma flag is blue. This was chosen because it was the color of the flag carried by Choctaw Indians during the Civil War. There are over 200,000 Choctaw Indians in the world, and their center is in Oklahoma.

    The Shield on the Oklahoma Flag

    • The round shield on the Oklahoma represents an Osage warrior's shield, decorated with eagle feathers. The Osage Nation also has its headquarters in Oklahoma.

    The Peace Pipe and Olive Branch

    • Crossed on the shield are an olive branch and a peace pipe, or calumet. These are traditional symbols of peace among Europeans and Native Americans.

    The Crosses on the Oklahoma Flag

    • The crosses on the flag represent "high ideals." Crosses of many types have been used in many cultures, including some pre-Christian cultures.

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