Las Vegas Last Minute Vacations

After a particularly stressful week or month, a vacation may be in order. But you have not planned anything. That is why last-minute vacations are so popular. Last-minute vacations provide discounts to tired travelers for a well-needed break. And Las Vegas, the city of lights, is a great place for a last-minute vacation.
  1. Deals on Airfare

    • The least expensive days to fly are Saturday and Tuesday, but even that insider knowledge might not save you when booking last minute. First, browse deals on websites such as Cheaptickets or Southwest Airlines. If there still are not any deals, call individual airlines ask about flying standby on a sold out flight. It may be the least expensive option, especially if your dates are flexible.

    Finding a Hotel

    • Staying on the Las Vegas Strip probably sounds like a lot of fun. But when traveling last minute, those hotels might be sold out or hike up prices. If you are traveling midweek, it may not be an issue. But call the hotels and ask for pricing or deals. Also consider staying off the strip at a resort in Henderson, Nevada, about 20 minutes from Las Vegas.


    • Very popular attractions in Las Vegas, such as Cirque du Soliel or the Blue Man Group sell out far in advance. Finding tickets to those shows may be near impossible. But tickets to less popular events, and events in your hotel may be more accessible. There are also several free events in and around Las Vegas that can enhance your trip (see Resources).

    Use the Internet

    • Use the internet's deal services to your advantage. Most travel websites offer last-minute deals to Las Vegas routinely. Peruse some of these before making you final decision. The internet also offers great coupons for restaurants, tickets for shows and numerous lists of events and activities.

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