Dubai Immigration Laws

Nestled on the Arabian Gulf in the Middle East, the cosmopolitan city of Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the country of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is considered one of the most multicultural cities of the world, with more than 90 percent of its population having come from other countries. If you are seeking relocation to take part in the innovation and development of the city, you should be familiar with the immigration laws of Dubai.
  1. General Requirements

    • Although each type of permit has specific requirements, they all share general requirements for entrance into the United Arab Emirates. You must have a passport, prior approval and a local sponsor who is a resident in the United Arab Emirates. The local sponsor must meet specific income requirements and may not work as a domestic helper or laborer. Teachers and leaders of mosques, on the other hand, do not need to meet the income requirement. Additionally, you must have never been deported or banned from entering the country.

    Employment Permit

    • Employment permits allow you to stay in Dubai for up to 30 days. They must be approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs and obtained from a UAE Consulate or Embassy. You must provide an application form, with paperwork and fee, in order to obtain the permit. Upon entry into Dubai, you will need to take a medical exam, including a blood test, to acquire the required health card. After you get your health card, you are required to apply for a labor card that will allow you to work in Dubai. It is important to note that if you change employers once you arrive in Dubai, you must transfer your sponsorship to your new employer, which only may be done if you gain employment in the same field, were employed by your original employer for a year and the original employer approves the transfer.

    Residence Permit

    • A residence permit is only granted to you if you are working or attending school in Dubai. In order to obtain a residence permit, you must complete all the steps necessary to obtain your employment permit. Students must contact their university, which will act as their sponsor. Spouses and children may accompany an employee to Dubai. However, they will need to submit an application with the worker's labor card, passports, marriage certificate, birth certificates and a fee. Resident permits are typically good for three years, but there may be exceptions depending on who is sponsoring you. Fathers can sponsor their sons younger than 18 and their dependent daughters till they are married.

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