How to Take a South American Family Vacation

Give your family the gift of experiences like any other on your next vacation. South America has a world of opportunities for your family to see, learn and live things unknown to them before. Most countries in South America are very much unlike any others in the world.


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      Teach your children social responsibility and the importance of playing a part in saving the world by planning a green or eco-friendly vacation. Hike through the rain forest of South America, raft down rivers, experience a world of wildlife unknown to most Americans. See rare animals and plants indigenous to these areas. There are many travel agencies offering eco-friendly tours appropriate for children of all ages.

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      Have an unforgettable time with your family with adventure travel. Hike through the Chilean Andes, raft down rivers through the rain forest and scuba dive off the coasts of Ecuador. Hike and camp through the untouched wilderness of these areas.

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      Visit the diverse small country of Ecuador. This country features everything from volcanoes, beaches, colonial cities and rich local culture to natural rain forest beauty. Go hiking, kayaking or rafting along the Amazon, or stay amongst people by sightseeing or shopping for local arts.

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      Take a cruise to the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. Galapagos is a chain of small islands that are extremely remote, and a great way to leave everything behind. Enjoy everything the ocean has to offer like sea kayaking, boating, snorkeling and scuba diving.

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      Visit the giant nation of Brazil, which offers a little bit of everything for families wanting to experience it all. Brazil offers large metropolis cities to shop, dine and dance the night away doing the samba. Brazil also has jungles to explore and beaches to laze away the days.

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      Take your family to Peru. This nation is rich in history and culture. Explore the ancient sites of the Incan peoples, colonial cities build by Spanish conquistadors, or shop small villages for beautiful things created by local artisans. Peru also has some of most breathtaking scenes of the Andes Mountains.

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