How to Tour Jane Austen's England

No trip to the United Kingdom would be complete without a tour of Jane Austen's England. The picturesque country houses and seaside towns that Austen called home have many attractions dedicated to the famed author of "Pride and Prejudice." Many of the sites associated with Jane Austen house wonderful collections of Regency era artifacts.


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      Begin your tour at the Jane Austen House in Chawton. Following the death of Jane's father, the brick cottage was home to Jane, her sister Cassandra and their mother. Visitors can view one of Jane's writing desks.

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      Tour the grounds of Winchester Cathedral in Winchester where Jane is buried. Visitors can view a stained glass window and brass plaque put there in Jane's honor.

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      Drive to the charming town of Wilton and visit the estate of the Earl of Pembroke. The estate was used as a setting in the 1995 movie "Sense and Sensibility." There is a Jane Austen collection on display, including dresses from the movie.

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      Continue on to Bath where Jane Austen lived from 1801-1806. Take a tour of the Jane Austen center at 40 Gay Street and view the extensive collection of Austen memorabilia.

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      Admire the gardens across the street from 4 Sydney Place, where Jane lived with her parents.

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      Move on to the imposing estate of Chatsworth, thought to be the original inspiration for Pemberley. Visitors can tour the house, the gardens and visit the resident farm animals for a modest admission price.

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