How to Start an Online Matchmaking Business

Many people are turning to the Internet in hopes of finding love and companionship. Sites like and have reached a success rate allowing them to advertise nationally for additional members. You can start your own online matchmaking service by targeting either a specific group of people or a general website that is open for anyone looking for companionship and love.


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      Determine the type of matchmaking site you would like to start. Knowing ahead of time the type of target audience you would like to attract will determine your marketing options. You can either create a matchmaking service for specific groups, like Christians, or for those of a certain ethnic background, political status or sexual orientation.

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      Choose a memorable domain name for your online matchmaking site. Your domain name should be easy to spell. A domain name is the web address individuals will type into their browser to reach your site. Domain registrars usually charge between $1 and $14 a year.

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      Obtain web hosting for your website. A web host provides the servers that will monitor and maintain the content and traffic on your website. A web host will charge a monthly fee, but many also offer quarterly and annual hosting plans.

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      Sketch out your idea of how your matchmaking website will function. Think about the colors and look of the website.

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      Use word processing software to write out the content for your website. Your welcome message, details about what your site will offer and other details should be written out ahead of time and spell checked.

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      Create your website. You may be able to find free online web templates for matchmaking services. Otherwise, hire a web designer from sites like or Freelance designers will bid on your project based on your budget for the web design.

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      Determine any fees you will charge for people to use your matchmaking service. Some websites may offer free trials before they charge or they may charge monthly or annual fees. If you choose to charge your customers, consider opening a PayPal account and visiting your local bank to open a merchant account which allows you to accept credit card payments.

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      Generate traffic to your site and get people to register. You may have to allow a certain number of customers to use the matchmaking site free so you can get a larger number of people interested in your site. Use forums your target market may frequent, create ads in online magazines and create banner ads as well. You can hire a freelance graphic designer from online sites like if you need assistance.

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