How to Choose a Good Seat on an Airplane

Where should you sit on an airplane if you're prone to motion sickness? If you have a connecting flight? If you're traveling with kids? Ask an airline agent about reserving the right seat for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Travel Guides
  • Airline Tickets


    • 1

      Request bulkhead seats'those behind the dividing walls of a plane'or a seat by one of the emergency exits if you want more leg room.

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      Choose an aisle seat for easier access to the overhead storage compartment and lavatories, as well as for faster disembarking.

    • 3

      Consider sitting near the lavatories if you are traveling with children.

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      Opt for the back of the plane if you want to sprawl out; there are usually fewer people in the back.

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      Sit toward the front if you want to get off the plane faster, which could be important if you're trying to make a tight connection. The front of the plane also tends to be a quieter ride.

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      Choose a seat toward the wings, which are the stability point for the plane, if motion sickness is a potential problem.

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      Sit near the galleys if you want early snack, beverage or meal service.

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