How to Book Train Travel

Traveling by train means not having to drive a car or pay sometimes higher airfare costs. Trains operate between major destinations and even make stops at much smaller locales throughout the United States. Book and plan a trip early to ensure desired routes and schedules are secured. Traveling by train allows travelers to sit back and enjoy the ride and view as they head to their destination. Traveling coast to coast by train will cost about $614 for a round-trip ticket between Philadelphia and San Diego, while making a 500-mile trip between Chicago and Kansas City will set you back about $126 round trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet connection
  • Map
  • Calendar
  • Credit Card
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      Determine where you are going. Write down your destination and note any stops you need or want to make along the way. For example, if you are traveling between the East Coast and West Coast, decide if you want to spend a few days somewhere in the middle of the country. List the cities where you will arrive and depart,.

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      Get a listing of the train service between your starting and ending destination. Use the train-route listing available through Amtrak.

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      Book hotel rooms for your trip if you require lodging while traveling. Make sure to reserve rooms in advance of purchasing your train tickets so that you know the dates of train travel you will require.

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      Book your train tickets either by visiting a ticket station in person, via the Amtrak website or by telephone. Make ticket-class selections based on the distance and type of train available for your particular trip. For example, if you are traveling across the country, opt for a sleeping cabin. Use the auto train option if you are traveling with your car and need to transport your vehicle to your destination.

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      Print out and review your ticket and schedule information for your train ride. Verify all information is accurate and correct. Keep the information in a safe location until your trip. Make sure to take identification with you when you board the train; your identity will be verified by ticketing agents or porters. Review baggage limits and restrictions before your trip to ensure that your possessions are in compliance with Amtrak luggage policies.

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