How to Stay Safe on the Subway

A fun part of traveling to cities is riding the subway. While the subway may be fun, it can be dangerous if you do not take certain precautions. Here are the steps on how to stay safe on the subway.


  1. How to Stay Safe on the Subway

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      Hide your valuables. Do not display money on the subway or you may become a target for theft or begging. Keep your wallet out of sight, in a front pocket, or an inside jacket pocket. Also, keep your jewelry out of sight and do not wear large expensive pieces.

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      Be aware of your surroundings. Whether you are on the subway, the bus, or walking down the city street, you need to be aware of people around and let them know that you see them. Stay awake on public transportation. Glance around. Many people use the element of surprise to victimize people. Don’t give them the chance. Also, do not get distracted with loud arguments. They could be staged to distract you from what is really going on.

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      Guard yourself against injury. Don’t change subway cars unless you feel threatened. Watch your step getting on the train, and do not stand at the end of the platform as you can get bumped or pushed. Brace yourself when standing holding onto the rail or straps. Sit whenever possible.

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      Avoid rush hour. During rush hour, especially if you are not familiar with the subway, you can find yourself pushed onto the wrong train, or pushed around by others in a mad rush to get on a train.

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      Do not stare at people. Not everyone on the subway is sane or cordial. You never know how a person will react. Avoid staring at anyone directly. This can happen accidentally when you are sitting and waiting for your stop. If you tend to stare into space, you may want to wear dark glasses. Dark glasses will also guard you from someone hoping to get too friendly.

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