How to Calculate Trip Miles

Travelers calculate trip miles for several reasons. Some want to know how many miles they're earning on their frequent flyer miles account and others want to know how many miles they're driving on vacation. Calculating road trip miles on a map is tricky. Trip miles for both flights and road trips are easily calculated and you can do it yourself from the comfort of your own home and computer.


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      Visit your airline's website to view your reservation. Your reservation will show you how many miles your trip is each way. Log in to your account and click on the link to view your flight. Your flight's mileage is listed under the total length of your flight. Most, but not all airlines provide this information to passengers.

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      Figure out your flight trip miles by using an online flight mileage calculator. Input your departing airport and your arrival airport. If you have a layover, or multiple layovers, you can enter each of your destinations to figure the exact mileage between each city.

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      Calculate your trip miles using a mileage calculator on a travel website such as Rand McNally. Enter your starting address and your ending address and click "Calculate" to view the total mileage of your trip.

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