How to Get Free Room and Board

How to Get Free Room and Board. Free room and board may seem too good to be true, but it's not. There are plenty of ways to take advantage of a free place to stay. Choose one that suits your needs and situation and start livingfree today.


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      Live with your parents. This solution isn't for everybody, but some people find living with their parents is a great way not to pay rent. Of course, this requires that your parents are okay with not charging you rent. Helping around the house or contributing in other ways can help make them more comfortable with your new place.

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      Get a scholarship. Some scholarships will give you free room and board at college dorms or other on-campus living. This way, not only do you not have to pay rent, but you get a free education too.

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      Work some place that includes living arrangements. Many amusement parks and other services provide rent-free accommodations for their workers. Inquire about the costs of employer provided living before-hand so that you don't end up paying rent.

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      Stay in a shelter. For those with no other options, a shelter can provide a safe place to eat and sleep. Homeless shelters don't require you to pay rent, although they may require that you have a job or a valid ID.

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      Try couch surfing. Couch surfing is a relatively new phenomenon that applies to travel. Basically, people agree to allow travelers to sleep on their couch if they're in the area. This is set up though online communities of couch surfers, who decide dates, times, and other necessities.

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