How to Buy a Resale Timeshare

Resale timeshares are a great way to save money, but buyers should be aware of scams and the reasons why the timeshare is up for sale. Use a reputable resale agency, research costs and like any other major purchase, make an informed decision before buying.


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      Use a reputable company. There are many resale timeshare scams out there so before buying, research to make sure you are using a reputable company. Check with the Federal Trade Commission's website and know your rights before purchasing.

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      Find out why the timeshare is up for sale. There are many reasons why a timeshare is up for resale, such as divorce or death. Beware of scams or resale offers that are too good to be true.

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      Know your rights. As a timeshare buyer, you are entitled to a cooling off period where you may decide you no longer want to purchase the property. Look up the timeshare laws in the state or country you intend to purchase.

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      Ask questions about the homeowners association. After you have purchased a timeshare resale, your timeshare will most likely be cared for by a homeowner's association. Understanding what the association is responsible for will help you to avoid any misunderstandings and give you an idea of what kind of maintenance will be provided at your timeshare.

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      Pay an average cost. Resale timeshares are lower than other timeshare opportunities. Do some research to make sure you are not paying more than you should be for a resale in that area and with the amenities offered.

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