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How to Get a RV Timeshare

RV timeshares are a different breed from the what most of us think of when we envision a timeshare. Purchasing a timeshare in an RV can be a creative way to take family vacations with a timeshare that's portable, versus a traditional condo-style timeshare.


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      Understand the terms of the RV timeshare you're considering. While it's true there are several opportunities to purchase RV timeshares, it's also true that each one is set up a little bit differently from the others. Know what you're getting from each site prior to making a decision.

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      Find out how many other owners also have timeshares in the same RV. Most companies try to balance owners with kids and empty-nesters to help spread out the busy season and help insure that everyone gets their favorite time to use the RV.

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      Discuss the length of the RV timeshare. Some are for 3 years while others are for 5 years. This not only is a good gap in the commitment you're making, but it also is a large price difference.

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      Know who pays the maintenance and storage fees. Some companies charge this fee to the various owners, while others do not have any other additional charges aside from your RV timeshare purchase price.

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      Investigate what happens at the end of your timeshare. Find out if there are any exit fees; perhaps you are even entitled to receive money back. You might simply be free to either walk away or purchase another RV timeshare. Various companies handle this differently, so make sure you know what you're getting into.

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      Talk to the company about how they handle break downs and any issues that may come up while you're on vacation. Know who pays for repairs. Also find out if you will be provided with another RV so that you can continue your vacation.

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      Ask for a list of references and check those references. Call and find out what they like, what they didn't like and if they'd do it again with the same company. People who've purchased RV timeshares in the past are the best source of information for you.

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