How to Get a Houseboat Timeshare

Condo timeshares are pretty easy to implement, but pursuing the same arrangement for a houseboat is a bit trickier. While a yearly floating vacation sounds romantic, it may also be expensive and filled with a surprise or two for someone not so boat-savvy. It can, however, be a way for boat owners to reduce the expenses of a watercraft they wanted anyway, sometimes well over 50 percent.


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      Conduct an online search for "houseboat timeshares" or "vacation timeshares." Several web sites offer free listings from all over the U.S. and some contain reader reviews.

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      Include eBay in your search. Houseboat timeshares are relatively easy to find online, including the Internet's largest auction house, where at least the sellers are publicly reviewed and rated.

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      Do your homework before joining any timeshare. Every houseboat program has its own rules and you should know them all before signing on. For example, a pet policy would be important to people who consider their pet part of the family, always along for the ride, and it would be equally important to people who despise pet dander and odor.

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      Seek out and talk to people who've been at the houseboat timeshare lifestyle for a while. More people buying into a timeshare for a particular houseboat means more maintenance will be needed and increases the risk of damage to the boat. Sometimes it's better to buy into a group of seasoned houseboat owners than into a totally new boat with other newer owners.

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      Hire an attorney to review any documents presented to you for signing. Timeshares is one arena in which a newbie can be taken for a ride--and not just down the river in a houseboat!

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