How to Rent a House Boat on Lake Powell

Gorgeous Lake Powell, Utah, is known as the nation's house boating destination. It is easy to find companies that rent house boats but it is a little tougher to make sure you get one of them during the high season. Use these steps to learn more about Lake Powell and how to secure a great house boat for your next vacation.


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      Research Lake Powell to check out the rates on renting a house boat. There are a variety of house boats available, but they are designated by marina.

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      Compare rates with different companies to make sure you are getting the quality and size of house boat you want to rent. Standard rates are around $100 per person, per day for a house boat that sleeps 12. Most companies have a three day stay minimum.

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      Talk to your travel agent to see if she offers any discounts or has any house boat rental and flight combinations. Using a travel agent may or may not save you money on this type of accommodations, but it's worth checking into.

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      Confirm your reservation before you leave home. This should be done a week to two weeks before your arrival date to ensure that everything is set.

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      Understand what's not included in the price. This means you will need to stock your own boat. If you are a first timers consider the first time house boater vacation package, which comes with a fully stocked boat and the company takes you to your secluded cove or desired area.

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