How to Rent a House in Canada

There are many areas in Canada that are beautiful places to live and to visit, but if you don't have the need or the funding to buy a house, renting a house could be a logical alternative. Before you can rent a house, you need to prepare yourself for the process. Several steps need to be taken between deciding that you'd like to rent a house in Canada and actually moving into your new rental house.


    • 1

      Determine any specific needs for your rental house. You may need to find a house in a certain Canadian province or territory. In that case, you'll need to focus your search to that specific area. You may also need other things, such as access to public transportation or available parking for more than one vehicle.

    • 2

      Decide how much you can afford to spend a month on your rental house. Factor in utilities and other expenses, such as phone service, an Internet connection, and cable television.

    • 3

      Start looking for available rental houses in the areas of Canada you're most interested in. Check local Canadian newspapers, free rental publications, which can be found in Canadian retail stores, and bulletin board postings, which can be found at community centers, libraries, religious establishments, and grocery stores. You should also check websites that offer Canadian rental listings.

    • 4

      Meet with local real estate agents in the areas you'd like to find a rental house. Real estate agents have extensive knowledge about the province or territory you're interested in and can help you find a house to rent that fits your needs and your budget.

    • 5

      Meet with landlords of houses you're considering renting. Ask him detailed questions about the property, the neighborhood, and the services provided, such as lawn maintenance and fixing broken appliances. Understand that you need to make a good first impression on the landlord. Some property owners are very particular about who they rent their houses to.

    • 6

      Be prepared for a credit check. The landlord will most likely do a credit check before allowing you to rent the house.

    • 7

      Read the lease carefully before agreeing to rent the house. Make sure all the terms and conditions you discussed with the landlord are in the lease. For example, if you're only visiting Canada for a few months, make sure you don't sign a one-year lease.

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