How to Rent a House in Lakeland, Florida

Lakeland, Florida, is in Polk County between Tampa and Orlando with a population of 89,000. If you are looking for a house to rent in Lakeland, you have decisions to make. There are historical districts resulting from the Florida booms during the 1920s and 1940s. Living near them can be a plus if you love old and interesting houses. There are parks throughout Lakeland that offer green space for your family. About 10 percent, or about 5 square miles, of Lakeland is water, so living on the waterfront is also possible.


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      Decide your price range for monthly rent. You can find a relatively affordable, almost 5000-square-foot, five-bedroom, five-bath house in a gated community or a 2000-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath house near Lake Hollingsworth for less money because of the smaller size. You can live on a golf course in a 2000-square-foot, two-bedroom, two-bath house for golf course convenience.

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      Think about renting to own. In a developing subdivision, you can rent a three-bedroom, two-bath home for a flat monthly price while the builder builds your own house. Check out Resources below for opportunities like this.

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      Check out condo rental if you don't want the hassles of home rental with the accompanying yard or garden and exterior upkeep. You can find a four-bedroom, two-bath condo off Lakeland Highlands, minutes to Polk Parkway and three A+ schools. Check a little ways out of Lakeland in Mulberry, Florida, to find a smaller two-bedroom, two-bath house for a tiny price.

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      Work with a rental property agent. The agent is paid by the landlord and therefore costs you nothing. You tell the agent your requirements and budget, and she will find available property for you. She can tell you about neighborhoods you may be interested in and ones to stay away from, what schools are best for children, what churches are nearby and where the best shopping is. The landlord pays her usually the first month's rent for her services. She takes care of the lease, credit check and reference check. All you do is move in. See Resources below for rental agencies.

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