Tips for Moving to Hawaii

Of all the states in the union, Hawaii has to be one of the most spectacular. The state consists of eight main islands and several smaller ones, so before you move, consider which island you would like to move to. The main island is very popular with tourists, so it may be a bit more expensive than the other islands. Once you are certain of your destination within Hawaii, ponder some tips for moving to the state.

  1. Housing

    • Due to its location, Hawaii is one of the most expensive states in which to live because most goods are imported by plane or ship. The housing is so costly because, like other popular areas, many people want to live in Hawaii, but there are only so many homes. Housing in Hawaii is about 10 percent higher than the next highest state. Maui would probably be your best bet for a permanent home, because it has all the splendor you imagine when you think about moving to Hawaii. But it also offers traditional city conveniences you do not find in a strictly beach resort area.


    • If you are moving to Hawaii because you have accepted a job, then job opportunities in Hawaii will not be of concern to you. However, if you are moving to Hawaii for the beaches and sunshine, expecting to land a job when you arrive, know what to anticipate. Many jobs are available in white collar areas, such as engineering, information technology and upper level business management. Fewer jobs are available in retail and customer service fields. Moderate opportunities to start your own business are available.


    • Hawaii is one of the few states that has limited public transportation. Oahu has what Hawaiians call “The Bus” and that’s it for public transportation. If you are concerned about rush hour traffic, however, do not move to Oahu. The island sees very heavy morning and afternoon rush hour traffic. Finding a parking place is also a problem on Oahu. All of the islands offer taxi services.

    What to Move

    • Take as few home furnishings with you as possible. Rather than pay the hefty moving expenses, it is more economical to purchase the items when you get to Hawaii. Take your wardrobe of summer and fall clothes and your personal belongings. Do not forget long pants, long sleeves and a light jacket. Hawaii can get a little chilly in the evenings. If you feel you need to move other things that you cannot get on the plane or the ship with you, mail them to yourself. If you send them through the postal service, you should have them in a few weeks.

    Moving Your Things

    • According to Matson Navigation Company, you can ship your car from California to Hawaii for slightly over $1,000. If you would like to move your pets with you to Hawaii, you must contact the Animal Control Department four months before you move. They will give you instructions for moving the animals. Hawaii has strict rules for importing domestic animals. It is best not to try to move your household plants with you. If you do take them, they will have to go through an inspection process.

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