How to Keep Valuables Safe While Traveling

If you're planning a trip this year, you'll no doubt be taking some things of value along with you. You'll be taking money, credit cards, license and/or passport. You might take along some good jewelry to wear on a night out. Perhaps you have plans of selling some of your old Babe Ruth baseball cards at an event during your trip or you will buy something really expensive to take back home with you and you don't want it to get stolen. Here are some ideas on how to keep your valuables safe while traveling.

Things You'll Need

  • TSA approved luggage locks
  • Money wallet for around neck or money belt
  • Rental car with full trunk
  • Bike locks if traveling by train
  • Extra travel insurance


    • 1

      Obtain travel insurance for your valuables before you even leave for the trip. You may be able to purchase extra insurance for your luggage directly through the airline when you book your tickets. For instance, with AirTran, you can purchase this insurance when you buy the plane ticket and it pays you a certain amount for lost or damaged luggage and/or personal effects including your passport or visa (see site listed in resources for details.) Otherwise, you could inquire of your travel agent what other options you would have to protect the value of your valuables if they get lost or stolen during the trip.

    • 2

      Plan ahead of time. Think of what you really need and don't need to take on your trip. Only take the valuables that you must have, not just ones that you would like to have. If you wait until the last minute to pack, you'll end up taking things you didn't really need.

    • 3

      Carry your valuables on your person. Anything that is small, like cash, credit cards and your passport, can be carried in a money wallet around your neck or in a money belt. This way, your valuables are hidden and right next to you, where you know where they are at all times. Wear clothing that can hide the money belt. In other words, don't wear a tight shirt that lets everyone know you've got the money belt around your neck underneath.

    • 4

      Carry larger valuables in your carry-on luggage. If you can't fit it in your money wallet, put it somewhere that you will keep contact with it. Your carry on luggage comes with you on the plane, so you don't have to worry about the airline losing your luggage or someone stealing it from the conveyor belt after the flight before you get to it.

    • 5

      If you must put valuables in your checked luggage, use TSA approved luggage locks on your luggage. TSA approved locks are ones that will lock your luggage, but are able to be opened by the TSA to go through your bags. The TSA doesn't allow luggage to go through that is locked without this type of lock, so your locks could be cut off if you don't use them. You can find these at Walmart or a similar store, and the locks cost under $10 for about four locks.

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      Choose a hotel that has an in-room safe or a safe for valuables at the front desk. This way, you don't have to worry about housekeeping getting hold of your valuables, or someone stealing your valuables if your room is broken into. If you give the valuables to the front desk to keep for you, choose a time when others are not looking. This way, you alleviate the problem of someone approaching you later when you get the valuables back and trying to take them from you.

    • 7

      Choose a rental car that has a full trunk. Avoid hatchback cars as they have trunks that can be accessed from the front of the vehicle. Someone would just have to break a window to get to the valuables in the trunk. Keep your valuables all in the trunk of the car and out of sight, so nobody is tempted to break in because they can see something in plain view.

    • 8

      For train travel, take bike locks with you to secure your luggage to the luggage racks. This way, when the train makes a stop, someone can't grab your luggage and get off the train, to leave you headed for the next town without your luggage.

    • 9

      Fasten the compartments in your purse and bags. If you have cash in the outer pocket of your purse, a trained thief can easily slip their hand right in and grab the cash without you even knowing it. Triple A actually sells fasteners that keep your pockets closed. You can buy a pack of about 50 for under $5.00.

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