How to Take a Walking Tour of Istanbul

If you are visiting Istanbul, you can take a walking tour to see the great wonders of the area. Istanbul, located in the country of Turkey, is an ancient city, where you can enjoy the culture, learn about the history and view many beautiful landmarks.


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      Prepare yourself for the walking tour. Put on comfortable shoes, and check the weather before you depart. The weather in Istanbul is usually mild; however, it can change drastically depending on the season. Also consider bringing along a beverage to keep hydrated on your journey.

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      Get a map to help you along your way. You can find a map at the Istanbul Convention and Visitors Bureau. You can also opt to download a map off of the Internet or find a map at the various street vendors located throughout the city. If you do go without a map, you can rely on street signs and helpful tips from strangers along your way.

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      Start out at the Milion in downtown Istanbul. The Milion in ancient times marked the center of Constantinople. Walk along the street called Divan Yolu toward the shops and restaurants. As you continue along the road, you will pass various notable landmarks such as tombs of sultans, mosques, forums, monuments and schools.

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      Continue down the street of Divan Yolu until you reach the Grand Bazaar. The Grand Bazaar is a gigantic shopping around with nearly 5000 shops that sell anything and everything you could want. Since this is the end of your walking tour, you can sit down for a fine meal before heading back to your hotel.

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