How to Visit Ground Zero in New York

Visit ground zero in New York to get a sense of what happened on September 11, 2001. You have an easier time seeing what happened that day when you're standing in the same spot. Listen to the "sirens" as you "hear" people running in panic. Let the city tell you its story.


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      Plan your visit to Ground Zero in New York to coincide with its official 9/11 memorial services. Go through Ground Zero related websites. Click on one of New York City's tourism webpages and read their latest events.

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      View New York City Ground Zero related images on the Internet. Earth Cam's website and You Tube's website offers ground zero related videos. Go to Google Earth and zoom in on ground zero from space.

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      Generate a visit plan based on your Internet search and video surveillance. Look through your local newspaper's travel section as well as travel magazines sold in your area. Contact the editors and let them know that you're going to visit ground zero in New York. Ask if they could use an article from you in advance of the next 9/11 memorial.

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      Go to a travel website and book your flight to New York, as well as your hotel stay. Contact the hotels and let them know that you're a writer in town to write about Ground Zero. Play this right and you could end up treated like a VIP.

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      Visit Ground Zero and take pictures from angles other photographers haven't taken it from. Capture activity in your shots. Talk to other people in the area and get their impressions, ask if you could use their statements in an upcoming article that you're writing.

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      Write your articles after you complete your visit. Submit your article and photos to the editors. Send the people that helped you during your visit a copy of the article that you wrote after it gets published. Let them know what magazine it showed up in.

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