How to Visit Amish Country

Quiet country roads with horse and buggy make a peaceful setting for visitor's. The smell of homemade foods linger in the air, quilts hang from clothes lines and wooden bridges rest near one room school houses. This life with old fashioned traditions is Amish country. A place where family life and faith replace the outside intruders of the world like television and radio.


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      Pick your destination. There are Amish communities in over 23 states and Canada. Decide where you want to visit to experience their way of life and make a memorable impact on yours.

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      Order literature by calling the Visitor Information Center, Chamber of Commerce, or search the web. The state you are visiting will have tour guides and maps to help plan your trip to Amish country. They will also have suggestions for sleeping accommodations are restaurants.

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      Pack up and go. It is a great experience to live as simply as possible when you are visiting Amish country. Leave jewelry at home with other luxury items. Take what you need and leave the rest.

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      Schedule your daily activities. Look over your choices of things to see and do and make a plan. Call ahead for guided tours to make reservations or order tickets.

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      Visit an Amish home to see how they live without modern amenities like electricity, phone and cars. The simple life keeps the focus on family, farm and religion.

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      Take a bus tour with a into the deep countryside. Your guide will show you how the "Plain people" work on the farm. Amish people use modern farm equipment but they pull it with a team of mules or horses. Stop along the way at a roadside stand and buy fresh baked pies and other goodies from the farm.

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      Check out an Amish village. See the one room classrooms children attend until eighth grade. Explore the smokehouse and buy some delicious homemade food. Learn how the waterwheel and windmill work. On the way back visit a Furniture or Quilt shop. Take a special gift home--learn the importance of family values and how to keep life simple like they do in Amish country.

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