How to Visit Israel

Israel is a beautiful and ancient land, full of history, archeology and the holy sites for three of the most important religions in the world. Visitors to Israel will discover a vibrant modern country with fine dining, night clubs and high fashion. Follow a few steps for a safe and exciting tour of the country.


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      Plan. A bit of planning will allow you to take advantage of good deals on flights and accommodations in Israel. A month is generally enough advance time, but two is better.

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      Consider the weather. Israel's terrain is part desert and part Mediterranean lowland. Unfortunately, the summer can be brutal throughout the country, especially between June and October. Conversely, the winter brings considerable cold and rain. Plan accordingly.

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      Monitor the political situation. Israel's political situation is volatile and unpredictable, so keep a constant eye on major political and military events to judge whether it's the right time for a visit. The US State Department's travel advisory system is a good way monitor threat levels and danger while traveling anywhere in the world.

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      Use a tour guide or agency. While Israel is geographically tiny, culturally it is a universe. From the urban environments of the cities to ancient sites and religious structures, there are many things to do in the country. A touring company or a private guide will help you set a good itinerary so you can see as much as possible in the amount of time you have.

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      Take an Israeli attitude to your trip. Israelis are known for being bold and yet somehow relaxed. While the news media frequently reports unsettling incidents like bus bombings, the country is actually one of the safest in the world when it comes to crime and daily danger. So "flow with it," as the Israelis say, while being a bit bold and forthright so that you make the most of your Israel visit.

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