How to Visit Epcot

Epcot, or the "Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow," at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, is one of the most popular theme parks in the world, according to an official Florida tourism website. More than 30,000 people visit this top-notch tourist attraction a day, reports the Walt Disney World website. Boasting nearly 300 acres and two sections, Future World and World Showcase, Epcot offers a blend of education and entertainment. Because of the sheer size of the park and the large number of attractions to explore, you need a well-planned agenda to get the most out of your admission ticket.

Things You'll Need

  • Epcot map
  • Walking shoes
  • Backpack
  • Bottled water
  • Single-serving packets of drink mix
  • Snacks
  • Cap or hat
  • Umbrella
  • Flip-flops
  • Sunblock
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  1. Day One

    • 1
      Wearing good walking shoes is a must to enjoy your Epcot experience.

      Pack all items needed for a day at Epcot into a backpack: snacks, water bottles, drink mix packets and sunblock. In addition, wear walking shoes or flip-flops, depending on the weather. Take your own stroller or rent one at the entrance to Epcot.

    • 2

      Arrive at the park about 30 minutes before the 9:00 a.m. opening. When the gates open, go straight to the FastPass area to get your FastPass for Epcot's most popular attractions, Soarin' and Test Track, when you first enter Future World. The FastPass gives you a ticket to move to a faster line at the attraction and reduces your waiting time. Only a certain number are given out, and they are usually gone before mid-afternoon. Your time to return to the attraction may be later in the day, so keep that in mind as you explore the rest of the park.

    • 3
      Beginning in the back of Epcot and working toward the front limits waiting in line.

      Pick up a site map if you don't already have one to determine the locations of the restaurants where you plan to eat. Some locations are very full with long wait lines. You can make reservations at the Worldkey Information System, to the left of Spaceship Earth.

    • 4

      Visit a few of the events early before the larger crowds arrive. Keep some of the sitting events for needed rest during your visit. For example, the Universe of Energy has a 45-minute presentation that takes you off your feet for a while.

    • 5

      Head over to World Showcase as Future World closes at 9:00 p.m. Pick up some dinner on the way. Most of the pavilions in World Showcase offer quick to-go eats. Take a bathroom break at this time.

    • 6

      Choose a location facing the lagoon for the grand finale at World Showcase. After you have taken your spot, do not move, as the area fills up quickly. Enjoy your meal and the fireworks.

    Day Two

    • 7

      Restock your backpack. Visit any attractions in Future World you may have missed or would like to see again. In the 2-hour window before World Showcase opens, take the boat across the World Showcase lagoon to save some steps and allow you to rest your feet.

    • 8

      Head over to World Showcase as it opens at 11:00. Ask a Disney cast member, typically at the gate, the times and locations of live entertainment. Jot down the times.

    • 9

      Visit the Cool Station if you get too hot. Temperatures in the buildings are kept cool, and they offer free cola products. "Mexico," "Turtle Talk with Crush" and "Canada" are also air-conditioned.

    • 10

      Take time to explore every nook at the World Showcase. Visit all the gift stores and souvenir shops.

    • 11

      Wait until the end of your trip to purchase items to take home since you will find so much to purchase that jumping at the first item may cause you to run out of money before you have seen it all. Take any purchased items to the packaging department, or, if staying at a Disney property, have it sent to your room at no charge.

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