Things to Do in Maui in December

Hawaii is a popular destination in December because of the holidays and its climate, drawing visitors looking for a respite from the cold weather. Even though December is one of the wettest and coldest months in Hawaii, it is still very warm, compared to most other places in the U.S. in the winter and there is plenty to do. Plan on some December-specific activities to make the most of your December visit to Maui.
  1. Humpback Whale Watching

    • Humpback whale watching season is from December to May in Maui; the island is said to be the best place to see the animals of all the Hawaiian islands. Whales can sometimes be seen from the south and west shores, although the best option is to take a whale watching tour. The Island Marine Institute recommends a larger, faster boat for better whale watching and says to make sure your tour guarantees a whale sighting. The island marine institute offers a tour through Lahaina Cruise Company on our 70-foot Kaualana Catamaran, featuring expert, scientific narration. You can also call your hotel and speak to the concierge about the best tours. Plan to book far in advance to secure a spot.

    Go to a Christmas Luau

    • There are several Christmas luaus on the island, several that are thrown by the hotels. The Old Lahaina Luau, perhaps the most famous, also does a Christmas luau. All of these events tend to book up very fast, so it's important to book well in advance. offers reviews, links and specials for all the major luaus on Maui. If you can't get into the luau that is your first choice, try another that comes recommended on this site.

    Go surfing

    • The weather in Maui in December can be a little wetter and colder than the rest of the year, although the average temperatures range from 65 to 83 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to this, the waves are big during December on the North and West shores of the islands, attracting lots of surfers and some professional surfing tournaments. If you need lessons, you can book them in advance through sites such as You can also speak with the concierge at your hotel or look into hotel packages that may include lessons.

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