How to Parasail in the Bahamas

When vacationing in The Bahamas, one of the most adventurous things you can try is parasailing. Imagine flying over the open water at heights of up to 500 feet without a care in the world. You can see for miles around and even see the bottom of the ocean since the waters in The Bahamas are crystal clear. If you’re looking to parasail in The Bahamas you just need to do a little homework and follow a few simple rules that will help you have the best experience ever.


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      Find a parasail operator. In The Bahamas, there are plenty of water sports workers around and a parasail operator is no exception. You can usually choose between many different offers since The Bahamas has a lot of bartering and free enterprise that takes place on its island. If you have come to The Bahamas from a cruise ship, you can book your parasailing adventure right there on board and have a set time to go on your excursion. These will cost more but will give you the benefit of a structured excursion instead of trying to find someone you trust.

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      Get the lowest price. As stated, The Bahamas has a lot of free enterprise. Workers will barter for your dollar so be prepared to hear quite a few sales spiels. However, with any free enterprise you can get the best price possible with so many people vying for your attention. If you have booked through a cruise, the price is non-negotiable and will be quite a bit more expensive but you will know that you are getting a licensed, experienced professional.

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      Listen carefully. By now you have found someone to take you parasailing but if you have never been before be sure to listen to everything the operator tells you. This will ensure your safety and the safety of others. You’ll especially need to know about taking off and landing.

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      Bring a camera. Since you will be able to experience a view like no other, bring a waterproof or disposable camera. You don’t want to bring an expensive camera because if you dropped it into the water it would be damaged or lost forever.

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      Find out any limitations and ask questions if you are unsure of anything. Sometimes there are limitations on weight or age (for children) and you’ll need to be aware of this. You’ll also want to any questions that you have. Remember, the parasail operator may do this 20 times a day but you are new to this. Make sure to have your questions answered in a way that is acceptable to you.

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      Enjoy yourself. Once you’ve had all your questions answered, paid your fee and learned the rules, it’s time to just relax and enjoy the ride.

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