How to Be Respectful While Visiting a Buddhist Temple

Visiting a Buddhist temple in Asian countries can be a great cultural experience for a tourist. Although this may be a completely new experience for you and your traveling companions, there are a few things to keep in order to have a smooth and respectful visit.


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      Remove shoes at the entrance before entering the temple. This is fairly easy to remember since there will usually be a pile of shoes, shoe racks or cubbies off to the side.

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      Remind children and your companions that quiet conversation and respect for your surroundings are important in every religious building.

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      Refrain from eating and drinking in the temple.

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      Check that your feet are never pointing directly at a statue of Buddha inside a temple or anywhere else. It is considered disrespectful, so be sure to point your feet either away from the Buddha or in a "V" shape.

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      Plan picture taking in a temple or near a Buddha statue so that you and your traveling companions are not leaning against or climbing on the statue. This kind of disrespect will often be met with verbal reprimands.

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      Observe the customs concerning monks and women. This includes that a woman can never touch a monk, can never touch a monk's robes and cannot hand anything directly to a monk.

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      Avoid interrupting meditation sessions and religious services that are occurring during your visit. This can be done by checking the schedule of the temple ahead of time.

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