How to Avoid Ear Pain, Swelling and Dehydration While Flying

Traveling by plane is popular, but some travelers experience flight-related symptoms that make a trip unbearable. These people suffer from dehydration, pain caused by pressurized ears and swelling of legs and ankles. If you suffer during air travel, take steps to minimize the symptoms for a more comfortable flight.


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      Prevent dehydration on a plane by drinking water or juice. Limit alcohol and caffeine intake. The cabin pressure on a plane has only about 10 percent humidity, making the air you breath dry. Water and juice prevent dehydration, while caffeine and alcohol contribute to increased dehydration.

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      Stand up and stretch periodically on a long flight. Take a walk through the cabin every hour or so. Move your ankles around in circles and flex your feet on the floor or on the bottom of the seat in front of you. If you have traveled before and experienced swollen ankles, wear flight socks or support hose.

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      Avoid ear pain while descending or ascending by equalizing the pressure in your ears. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds. Slowly exhale while pursing your lips. With your lips closed, gently blow air as if to blow a kiss but don't release the air. After a few seconds, exhale. Do not do this more than eight times or you could become lightheaded. Yawning, chewing gum and swallowing are also helpful.

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      Ask for a seat over the front edge of the wing if you are prone to motion sickness on a plane. While seated, position the air vent so it blows directly on your face. If you experienced nausea on airplanes before, ask your physician about a motion sickness medication. Purchase nonprescription-strength meds over the counter.

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