How to Take a Hermit Crab on a Plane

Hermit crabs sold as pets are terrestrial, which means they breathe air. However, they are also tropical animals, and have requirements for temperature and moisture in the air which make them hard to transport. Airlines typically do not allow other animals than cats and dogs in pet carriers in the cabin, which means hermit crabs have to travel as checked-in luggage. They can also be sent as air cargo. Many airlines have a special option to handle sensitive air cargo goods, like pets.

Things You'll Need

  • Insulated carrier which allows the animal to breathe, with water and food supply.
  • Price of additional fee for checked-in pets
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      Check the length of the flight. If it is longer than three hours, hermit crabs may get too cold and should be sent as air freight, where heating can be guaranteed. Some airlines may guarantee the temperature of the luggage hold, but not all. Check with the airline before booking.

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      Place the crab in the insulated carrier. Make sure it has sufficient water and food for the trip.

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      Check in at the check-in desk. Inform the airline staff that you are checking in a pet. They may direct you to a special goods check-in counter. Pay the additional fee for shipping a pet. This varies with the airline.

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      Pick up the carrier at the special goods counter at the destination.

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