What Is the Best Way to Carry Cash on Vacation?

While many people carry credit cards on vacation, cash comes in handy for small purchases like coffee at a roadside cafe or souvenirs at a cash-only flea market. However, carrying cash brings with it the risk of loss or theft. Guard against these dangers on your trip to keep your cash safe, and always be aware of your surroundings when traveling.

  1. Divide It Up

    • When you hit the road, stash your cash in more than one spot. This may be the single best strategy for storing money. While it may hurt to lose $40 to the street thief who steals your purse, it smarts less than losing all your vacation money. Consider putting some of your cash in the hotel safe and locking some of it in the trunk of the car if you're driving. Carry a small amount with you. The more places you can spread out your money, the lower the chance you'll lose it all to theft or carelessness.

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