Caribbean Cruise Clothing Packing Lists

Whether your home base is hot and humid, or cold and dry, sailing off into the tropical waters of the Caribbean can be a real change of pace. Taking a cruise vacation includes indulging in non-stop gourmet food, taking in nightly entertainment, relaxing by the pool and exploring foreign ports around the Caribbean. Maximize your trip by packing accordingly. Cruise cabins, even the larger sizes, are quite small compared to what you may be used to at home. Pack the right stuff and you'll be ready to set sail.
  1. Caribbean Clothes

    • Setting sail for the Caribbean may bring to mind tropical shirts, crisp white pants and brightly colored jewelry. But don't forget that a cruise to the Caribbean means that you'll need clothes to last your entire trip. When packing for a Caribbean cruise, by all means pack festive and fun attire. Don't forget necessities such as pajamas and exercise clothes to take advantage of onboard activities. Check your particular cruise for activities that might warrant special clothing.

    Off-Ship Clothing

    • One of the most exciting things about a cruise is the opportunity to visit multiple new places in one trip. This means shore excursions--trips off the boat to do activities and sightseeing. Because most shore excursions are planned before stepping on the ship, you'll have plenty of time to pack accordingly. Travelers visiting the Southern Caribbean's Aruba, for example, may want to pack a bathing suit, sunblock, water shoes and a cover up for port excursions such as snorkeling, sailing on the Jolly Pirate or scuba diving. Outdoor thrill-seekers heading to Nassau in the eastern Caribbean may want to be sure hiking shoes, bug repellent, a shade-providing hat and layers of clothing are on board for trips to the Ardastra Gardens, Dolphin Cay and the Blue Lagoon.

    Evening Wear

    • Whichever way your compass points you in the Caribbean, you'll need to pack a few staples for any itinerary. Depending on the length of your trip, the cruise will offer at least one "formal" night. Though not required, passengers who wish to eat in the upscale restaurants on these evenings usually dress in tuxedos or black suits for the men and ball gowns or fancy skirts for the women. Because the ship will be sailing through the Caribbean, you may be lulled into thinking of short sleeves or sleeveless. Keep in mind the ship is often cooled inside to near freezing capacity (especially in heavy-trafficked areas such as the casino and theater). Pack an extra cardigan, shawl or sweater to have on hand for the evenings and leave it behind when stepping off onto the shores of Ocho Rios or Grand Cayman.

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