What to Wear to a Florida Beach

The lure of sunshine, blue water and the beach brings both tourists and residents alike to the sandy shores of Florida. Ensure a day of outdoor fun and relaxation by knowing what to wear and how to protect yourself from the elements.
  1. Features

    • Wear swimwear that is fashionable as well as comfortable. If you plan to do more water sports than sunbathing, consider choosing an athletic bathing suit. Cover-ups, t-shirts and shorts are all appropriate to wear over swimwear. Choose synthetic clothing over cotton as it dries quicker and will not absorb moisture, according to HipStyleandValue.com.


    • Beach sand is very hot, especially in the summer months. Rubber flip-flops or sandals will protect your feet from the heat and won't suffer water damage if they get wet. To avoid cuts and injuries, consider bringing a pair of water shoes if you're visiting a beach that has lots of shells or a rocky shore.


    • Protect skin from sunburn and damage by liberally applying sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection. Remember to reapply sunscreen on a regular basis and after exiting the water. Sunglasses and hats with wide brims will protect your eyes from the sun's rays and reflections from the sand and water.

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